Optional 51 cm disc mountable
Adjust manual curve
soil Scraper blades
Steel Disc Reels

Mounted type offset disc harrow is a machine which is preferred in garden agriculture and small parcels with easy use. Disc direction angles may be adjusted on front and end column easily.

It is used for secondary cultivation, preparation of the seed bed, cultivate spaces between trees in garden agriculture, fighting against the weeds and mixing the fertilizer with the soil. It dissects the scapes and residues left in the field after the harvest and mixes them into the soil. It destroys the clods appeared after operation of tools such as pulley, chisel and cultivator and pulverizes the soil.

It is a machine which provides to take organic and inorganic fertilizers under the soil and aeration of the soil which is mixed by this way and water and temperature balance of the soil.

  • Materials used in tandem disc harrows are inspected completely before manufacturing step and prepared for manufacturing after passing along the test step and quality materials are used.
  • Thanks to its design, the adjustments are simple and it is a very easy to operate machine.
  • There are two disc group on the machine. Front and end disc group were aligned onto the chassis as offset type.
  • It may be used in forested areas by three sliding loops easily.
  • This machine may be used hydraulically.
  • As well as boron steels with a diameter of 460 mm, European and domestic discs with diameter of 510 mm may be installed on our machines.
  • It may be used within a desired angke with curve adjusting spring pins on the columns.
  • There are scrapers as sharp as the disc to clean the stuck soil on each disc during the operation.
  • There is a discharge lubricator to visualize the discharge of the oil which is filled in the bearing together with the double mat and double roller in our bearings.
  • You may cultivate your field without loosing time and opening a furrow pit with the guide disc.
  • Pulleys are manufactured from the steel and their breakage was prevented because of the stone or different reasons in the field.


Disc may be manufactured with sizes of 46 and 51 cm and plane and notched.

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